Entitled another nazi

this 1 goes out to dr anthony Fauci

another one of the fourth reich nazi's

convincing it in front of the camera

but when you looking to his soul

you just see a death toll


been head of the Federal health agency

for a while

some things he funded won't make u smile

in Tunisia, beagles were sedated

bags over their heads, killer flies: All died


funded grafting human fetuses onto rats

cost $400k, what u think of that?

I ask you what was the point?

He funded the Wuhan lab too

A sadistic, piece of shit on the shoe

of me and you


any wonder? Compared to dr josef mengele,

accurate comparison i'm telling ya

because he's leading the way

for the cabals current experement

the vaccine is far from heaven sent


been on the streets for a while

shake everyone's hand, no mask smile

how come I'm not dead?

The thing is far from lethal

just making gunea pigs of the people


it's the biggest experiment in history

him n his cronies Screwing with you and me

he was in Jesuit college with Bill gates

did they come up with this plan then?

To cause the people so much suffering

Jesuits always been a bunch of c###s

their holy kick is just a front


'I am the science!' what a load of crap

he's mixing lies with a couple of facts

contradicted everything he's said in the past

said masks don't work at all

the penny dropped, hypoxia kills

winner! His puppet masters want us dead

the Vaxxed are certainly the most unread


screwing up the future for everyone

but chill, my crew got bigger guns

our cosmic creators showing soon

and when they do its over for his clan

will be the best time to live in the history of man

ignore your teLIEvision please

cos like this twat

they too serve the cabal's needs


you and your friend in the dock soon

stars of Nuremberg part two

your powerful friends will be no help

a new world Court with ultimate power

no bending down for you in the showers


and your friends won't get you off

like they did Jeff epstein, whisked off

face surgery, living in Israel

funny that's where sheisters hide

Gislaines dad did the same:alive


nobody on earth can save you at all

as the rest of the world have a ball

nobody gets one over on the cosmics

they weren't born yesterday

and just like Jake Blues

they fucking hate nazi's


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