Is This Love?


'Tis in the air, 'tis all round me.
'Tis in my eyes, 'tis all I see.
'Tis in my bones, never to flee.

Oh, I assume this is love.


'Tis replete with sudden aches and pangs
Prompting strange colorful harangues
Delivered by many amorous fangs.

Oh, I think it is love.


She's my fair lady, tried and true,
She's my friend, 'tis I know too.
She's the one, who made me 'knew'.

Oh, I believe it is love.


Her subtleties I savor and spy,
Her way would lead me to lie,
To be a fool, to cheat, even to die.

Yes, I know this is love.

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Yah, sounds like love to me.

Yah, sounds like love to me. :)

Copyright © JessterStarshine