the number of two

Good-Bye Love

late at night

while the rest of the worlds sleeps

we speak

we dream

and nothing else seems to matter but you

and i

everything comes together in the darkness around us

the words flow

our eyes meet

and the true meaning of us becomes all too clear

we kiss

we laugh

we breathe in sync

as one

everything is perfect under the stars

but it is inevitable they cannot last

sleep makes its' debut

the sun rears it's head

and just when i think perfection is over

i wake up in your arms

i feel your warmth around me

you smile

you speak

"good morning. i love you."

and i know

the magic of the night has not ended

with the rising of the sun

for the magic lies in you and i

as we begin our day

as one

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written with such love so long ago... funny how things can change with time. I remeber at the time writing this, being so proud. I had put here for him to comment on it... he read this briefy once and finally did almost 2 years later. I should have known...

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This reminds me so much of

This reminds me so much of weekend nights with my First Beloved during the summer of 1976; the words of your poem brought all those memories to the forefront.

Coerulescent [fka Starward] <

Roo's picture

If there ever were words to describe what we have you have found them my love. I couldn't imagine what my next breath of air would be like without you by my side. If soul mates exist I have found mine. You bring belief to this disbeliever. You make me see the only thing in this world worth anything and it is beyond love.