Fresh Are the Flowers
Fresh are the flowers,
misted bouquet from morning dew
Your blossoming splendor,
holds in awe those spying you
Sweet roses of crimson,
grandeur trellised toward the sky
With lattice holding them aloft,
their beauty brings a sigh
Beckoning, they softy whisper,
shared sweetness for one adored
Presented gift before star lit eyes,
a silken petaled - treasure’s hoard
Fresh are the flowers,
twining cluster along trod path
A rainbow of mingled array,
among them, kneeling to task
Gently gathered - one by one,
each due my patient care
Arranged in bundled neatness,
I'm off to you know where
Fresh are the flowers,
clutched bouquet to give away
A present for a lady so fair,
with hopes she’ll ask me to stay
An aromatic assortment,
a garnered beauty to view
Fresh are the flowers,
but they'll never compare to you
© C.E. Vance
Fresh Are The Flowers:
A lovely poem, so romantic and enchanting; are these lines you have put together and created about a fair ladies suitor. I dearly hope they live happily ever after. Your word usage is certainly a gift, I was thoroughly lost in your poem when reading it. I found your creativity in this poem thrilling to read.
Thank you for such nice
Thank you for such nice commentary.
This work is that which I imagine romantic captivation should consist of. I like sweet sentiments. Perhaps I'm just a bit old fashioned. Also, I'm sure the romance in this handful of words blossomed.
ohh...this is so nice...flows
ohh...this is so nice...flows wonderfully!! It reads like beautiful fragrant flowers!!
Great piece!!
Thank you for your kind
Thank you for your kind words.
Beautiful !!!!
Beautiful !!!!
Thank you Bishu my friend.
Thank you Bishu my friend.