I am no more

Plunging into the pits of hell -
grasping my mortal fate.

Life's final breaths,
drawn with dreadful fear.

Absent are angels,
with no gods to save me.

Last thoughts despaired -
demons controlling my mind.

In the darkened hold,
death is already here.

Drapings of shadows -
new sun to never rise.

Tomorrows just end -
another linger for tears.

All follow till slumber -
to the hereafter I fall….

© C.E.Vance

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Another quick bit of nothing that I wrote to post on facebook (just for something to do) having no intention of ever posting it on PP because of its lack of substance. However, a few of my FB friends said they enjoyed it - so I decided I'd go ahead and post it here too. It is what it is.

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bishu's picture

Your FB friends are lucky... Whimsical writes of yours are GOOD

Your FB friends are lucky... Whimsical writes of yours are GOOD to read My Friend in-wards Smile



cevance's picture

Thank you, Bishu. I consider

Thank you, Bishu. I consider writes like this to be quick and easy, lacking appeal to me. However, some of my readers seem to enjoy them, so perhaps I'll use this style a bit more often.

allets's picture

What It Is

"...Absent are angels, with no gods to save me..." heartfelt lines, a definition of despair, the image sinks deeply to times when that was true and thankfully a time long past - you hit a chord with a handful of just the right words, Less is so much more - Lady A



cevance's picture

Thank you, Lady A…   Words

Thank you, Lady A…   Words never rang more true - than these. I've lived them a million times - I suppose it's one of the things that  makes me the person I am.