Wedding Anniversary 2020

Letters to Petula


in a field of sunflowers

The sun, your face


My face and the warm earth

Brings green shoots

on Elysian hills


We're playing catch and release

With a dream. The air is still -


And you


Balance the morning 

Between the sun and me.


- For Petula

Author's Notes/Comments: 

When you fall in love with your wife again and you begin afresh...

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C03ru135c3n7's picture

This poem is exquisitely

This poem is exquisitely beautiful, and the final two lines should be in every quotation book!  Wow!  In such few lines, you have presented a profoundly intense experience, and that is always a sign of classic talent.


cerulean_soulhaze's picture

Thank you for the awesome

Thank you for the awesome comment! The final 2 lines came to me as our 8 year old son and I were competing for my wife's attention one evening...Laughing

C03ru135c3n7's picture

Thank you for the reply.  The

Thank you for the reply.  The provenance of great lines has always fascinated me.  One of my favorite concluding great lines, written by my favorite poet, Wallace Stevens, says:  "Good-bye, Mrs. Papadopolus, and thanks!"  I love that line.  And I really love the last two lines of your poem.  Thanks for telling me of their provenance, but, moreso, thanks for posting this magnificent poem.
