When I am feeling lost,
beaten down by life's daily abuse,
angry at my lot,
refusing to ask anymore,
for I feel its useless
or in vain,
can He still hear my prayers?
Though some go unspoken
or are bitter words
of foresaken feelings,
punctuated by a silent teardrop,
or are spoken in the harsh tones
of a helpless,
hurting soul,
can He still hear my prayers?
Does He understand
from where my stinging,
verbal plea eminates?
Does He forgive
my biting remarks
spoken in moments of my distress?
In the silent moments that follow,
my answer comes not
through my ears
nor in a loud, crashing thunder
of disapproval,
but in the Peace
that washes over my injured heart,
a momentary, healing balm
that tells me,
'Be still.'
even through my words of bitterness,
and distress,
even when laced in anger,
that He understands,
He forgives
and YES,
He can still hear my prayers.
Magnificent testimony!