What will you do with love?

You love something. I know that you do. Everyone loves something. That something is our weakness. Love is our weakness. Love can lead us into darkness. Love can lead us to do things that we swore we'd never do. Love hurts. Love bites. Love kills, but without love where would we be? Love saves, love heals, love gives. Love gives us purpose. Without it what reason do we have to roll out of bed in the morning? Love is not perfect. As a matter of fact, love is just a plethora of imperfections. What would any of us be if love didn't lead us astray every now and then? Nothing. We would be nothing. We wouldn't exist without love. Love is evil, yet love is the only good thing left in the world. Love is painful, yet love heals. Love is a struggle, but love is necessary. Love is scary, but love is our shelter. Love is never satisfied, yet it is the only thing that satisfies. Love is a lot of things but all in all, love is what you make it. So make it worth it, and make it known. You learn to truly live when you learn that your true purpose is to love. To love something or someone with all your heart and soul and to make love into the beautiful, beautiful, perfectly composed group of imperfections that it has the potential to be. Make love a good thing. It's an unstoppable weapon that gives us the power to do absolutely anything. What will you do with it?

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GOHIL48's picture

love love love

love love love everywhere..haha. beautiful <3

Casperdfa1979's picture

Thanks so much. Means alot.

Thanks so much. Means alot. :)

RoC's picture

Absolutely brilliant

"It's an unstoppable weapon that gives us the power to do anything"

That, my friend, is a powerful line. May we all wield it well.

"Music is a universal language and needs not be translated. With it, soul speaks to soul" - Songsterr

Morningglory's picture

Love is always loving.

Love is always loving.

Copyright © morningglory