I've cried

Love to be me

I've cried somany tears

But I realized so quick

That its alright be me

That I can smile

Even when I'm down

That I can laugh at stuipid jokes because I think there funny

I could laugh at myself

Not because I'm insecure

But because I know I did something stupid

I've cried somany tears the past years

I've learnt to deal with what I think is wrong with the world

I've learnt that I can have fun when I'm alone

I've cried so many tears

That I learnt to love everyone

Not because there beutifull

Not because there populare

But because there awsome

I've cried somany tears

That I wished that I could not Breath

I learnt that life is worth living

I learnt that i'm me

I've cried somany tears

Author's Notes/Comments: 

the poem says it all

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