Saint Stephen - on the second Christmas Day,

Is my departed husband's patron too,

Thus for all Stephens worldwide I will pray

And greet: Dear Steves and Stephens 'HAIL TO YOU!'

At gale's force blew the Holy Ghost
Through Stephen, - Protomartyr bright
And Deacon,- who since Pentecost
Was spurred to spread the Spirit's light.

His name is Greek, - a Hellenist
One of those Jews from foreign land;
The second Christmas Day his feast,-
So close to Christ does Stephen stand.

A man of faith and fortitude,
Endowed with wisdom deep and grace,
With mighty speech and charm endued,
Angelic features graced his face.

As Deacon eminently fit
To bring the needy sweet relief,
Orphans' support and favorite,
And widows' friend in want and grief.

His powers oratorical
No one was able to resist,-
He kept his audience in thrall,
But irked the foe and slick sophist.

A pupil of Gamaliel,-
With 'Signs' he thrilled his audience,-
God added these great gifts to tell
He governed Stephen's self-defense.

Replete with divine energy
St. Stephen spoke,- but wounded pride
Blinded the mob that failed to see
And to accept the Spirit's light.

Now they suborned false witnesses
To testify he slighted God,-
Charged blasphemy and godlessness-
No charge more apt to rouse a mob.

'MAN IS GOD'S TEMPLE he had said-
And not the one that's made by hand'-
This called forth rage and enmity
The riff-raff did not understand.

Let's stone him, - stone to death! they cried.
And louder rose the hue and cry,
While scholar Paul,- much satisfied,
Approving the foul deed stood by.

'Lay not this sin upon them Lord!'
St. Stephen drew his final breath
And echoed the Redeemer's word.
And seeing Him went to his death

Archmartyr Deacon Stephen died,
His blood first fruits and precious seed
For harvests yet to come with might
The Master's flock to feed.

Christ's martyr primal hear I plead
Accept this humble ode,
By your great merits intercede
For all of us by God.!

Acts 7.58

© Elizabeth Dandy

In memory of my beloved husband Stephen - The Feast of St. Stephen,- Christian Archmartyr is Dec.26th.

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