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Three Simons in Mark's Passion Narrative
Three Simons star in our Holy Writ,
The first one was a wealthy Pharisee,
Who did with Jesus at a banquet sit.
Who'd suffered in the past of leprosy.
As host of Jesus at a sumptuous meal,
He was disturbed much when the woman neared,-
A man like him of stern religious zeal
Disliked the scene, while his invited sneered.
Before the Lord the woman had found grace,
He took for His anointment her fine nard,
And suffered her with tears his feet to bathe,
While from His loving eyes shone her reward.*
The High-priestess ordained the King High-Priest,
Prepared Him for His spiritual duties now,
Sing of them bards, and psalmist rhapsodist!
How love, reciprocated, spreads its glow.
No towel would she use, her auburn hair
Would dry and gently rub the High-Priest's feet,
And with devotion’s ardor thus prepare
As Sacrifice His destiny to meet.
Rebuked for squandering and wastefulness
The High Priest did defend the High-Priestess:
”Her deed will keep alive her memory.
As a memorial of love’s largesse”.
The second Simon, - Peter,- was advised
That ere the cock crowed thrice he would deny
His friend, companion and master,- Christ,
And disavow, disown him with a lie.
"I know Him not, I swear, - I know Him not,"-
What grievous disavowal of a friend!
With whom he lived and daily walked and trod,
Through Galilee and it's environment.
"I never knew this man from Galilee"!,
Thus Simon Peter 'mongst the riff-raff cried,
"I swear I never met him, - honestly"!-
And warmed himself close by the fire side.
"You are one of this man's disciples' band,
And have the heavy accent Galilee,
They saw you walking with Him over land,
And on a boat while fishing in the sea.
Three times the solid Rock would disavow,
Abjure, deny the Master shamefully,
Before the cock crowed thrice he was brought low,
As foretold in the master?s prophesy. **
In step with the cock's crowing and disclaim
And principles of honor overthrown,
First of disciples! - what disgrace and shame,-
Lament and pity those that do disown.
A crowd had gathered by this fire side,
And Simon Peter with the servants sat,
To warm himself - it was a chilly night,-
Oh many tears he later on would shed.
He met the Savior's eye when He walked by,
Bound, scorned, a captive of the viper brood,
And then repent and in great shame would cry,
Betrayed he had, and bitterly now rued.
He would be soon forgiven, - cowardice
Moves boastful wind bags to disloyalty,
Turns harmless blather into craven lies
With loss of honor and integrity.
The third Simon, called "Simon of Cyrene",
Who, heading toward home was stopped enroute,
Unwilling he, of temperament sanguine,
Was forced to help the capitive bear his rood.
He had been working hard since early dawn,
Attending to the fields, had tilled and ploughed,
Content to head for family and home,
Then cursed, - why did he have to take this route?
"Help the condemned barked the centurion!
He is too weak, for things to go as planned,
Stop ! grasp side cross beam fellow,- quick! come on!
Give the condemned a strong and helping hand!".
"Pull him up by the cincture if you willl,
And let him have a breather, but no more,
And then press on to the accursed hill,-
For peasants of your kind an irksome chore".
The cross with the Redeemer Simon shared,***
Up! forward! up the hill of Calvary,
While riff-raff, priests and henchmen insults aired,
He helped the Lord with intrepidity.
"Oh never mind the gruff centurion,
We'r up now in no time - take courage friend!
Oh man! - they really scourged you to the bone,
Hang in now, - easy - reach out for my hand!".
He'd done his job, and would be now dismissed,
To go his way, but had he realized,
Or would he the abundant grace resist
For sharing, carrying the cross of Christ?
They reached the hill top and now Simon left,
Shook up with keen a sense of destiny,-
And questioned, of sanguinity bereft,
Who was the man they nailed now to the tree?
Remember the three Simons here portrayed,
They play in Holy Week so great a role,
So very different of each his fate,
As is for all of us and every soul.
Mark's Passion Narrative is lean and taut,
It gets right to the core in pithyness;
He gleaned it from the Quelle (source) no doubt,-
It's penned with love and great conscienciousness.
**Mark 14-27
***Mark 15-21
? Elizabeth Dandy
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last updated 11 October 2010 - 4:04am
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