Widow of Naim and Raising of her Son

In solemn gait the mourners' troupe marched on,

Behind the swarthy carriers of the bier,

Upon which lay the widow's only son,

Stretched out in death,- her son she held so dear.

The hired mourner wailed and their lament

resounded 'long the meandering village lane,

Friends reached out for the stricken  widow's hand,

As do good friends in grief and sorrow's pain.

With funeral chants and wails  they carried on

Their way to the not far off burial place,

Of the young chap they had often called upon

For help in need, and had for him but praise.

The only and last thing the widow had,

To cling to and her last and sole support,

Who'd won her sustenance and daily bread-

Decree unfathomable of the Lord.

There on the stretcher very still he lay,-

Behind it walked the motley mourners' throng,-

Why did grim reaper have to come and slay

Her son, so handsome and so very young.

And now they turned a corner and beheld,

Some men that neared and tried to stop the bier,

And one amongst the men cried out and yelled

"Move sidewise, - to the side,- the Master is here!"

In pity and compassion Jesus neared,

Beat women�s advocate and champion,-

They  stepped aside and space for Him was cleared,

As He approached the chap,-  the widow's son.

And Jesus with a thundering command

Put flat and white faced reaper death to route,

And bade the Valley's Shadows to disband,

Then bade the chap: "Arise and leave your shroud!

The chap's limp legs stretched forth beneath his shroud,

The breathless breast heaved with  a new  found breath,

Before the stunned and flabbergasted crowd,

Awed by the  master over life and death.

The young man rose at once and was restored

Unto his mother who fell to her knee,

And in her boundless joy praised loud the Lord

For His compassion and benignity.

Lord over life and death and judge supreme,

Full of compassion and benignity,

Praise thanks and glory ever unto Him,

Now and forever through eternity.

by: Elizabeth Dandy



St Luke, 7:11-16  


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