The King of Love my Shepherd is

The Prince of Peace is Shepherd Warrior,

Who fights so that His flock may live in peace,

Good shepherd He, whose body is the Door,

Salvation’s door against the enemies.

Good Shepherd He is called, for he is good,

Why good? - because He's ready to combat.

And fight so beasts and thieves can not intrude

And harm His flock in peace's habitat.

A warrior shepherd, fighter, bastion,

Who fights so none of His flock’s sheep gets lost,

Strong bulwark He, -God’s warrior champion,

Who does despise a peace at any cost.

The hired shepherds quickly run away

To find their idle peace while beasts draw nigh,

But the Good Shepherd warrior will stay,

Accepting wounds and will the fiend defy.

Most artists paint Him so genteel and sweet,

With smiles like maple syrup saccharine,

A warrior's task is to defeat and  beat,

And for His flock’s sake must the battle win.

Himself the Door, He sees the fiend that nears,

And is prepared the combat to sustain,

The battle for His flock is harsh and fierce,

Deep gaping bleeding wounds His garments stain.

Once in the temple He took to the whip,

And threw bad shepherds and their cronies out,

Then chastened preachers with a tongue too glib,

And lashed the change and coinage round about.

Bad shepherd there are many, and they feed

Their flock with slop, then go to sleep and snore,

But the Good Shepherd stays to fight and bleed,

As Savior Shepherd and God’s Warrior.

© Elizabeth Dandy

Feast of the Good Sheperd July 23 06


Author's Notes/Comments: 

This is inspired by a homily by Fr. Joseph Horn, I happened to come across.

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