Here I go again


Sad as sad can be. The mango tree in my front yard was crying. Two boys with small matchettes cut off a fledgling branch for no other reason but for the leaves required for some "pooja" . I kept silent. After a few minutes two more people- one teenager & a man with a hatchet again hacked away 3-4 branches. I gave them a real loud shouting. Why  ?? Because the tree was screaming. The poor thing was busy with its work making oxygen for us to breathe. No.. No mangoes this year... Yet it makes new leaves, branches, roots. When will we understand  !! So much for "Save trees. Save the environment "

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Today's diary... 

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SSmoothie's picture

Come back Bishy  I need your

Come back Bishy 

I need your Sunshine 

Your smiling writes 

And passionate utterings 

Come back bishu 

We all need you!

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."

SSmoothie's picture

I had mangoes today and I

I had mangoes today and I thought of you. Moss you are you still around?

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."

bishu's picture

Dearest SS

im bak thankya



patriciajj's picture

I completely relate to this

I completely relate to this deeply stirring reflection on the tragedy of every branch, every leaf lost. And yes, I too can feel the trees screaming with every assault. Your line "the poor thing was busy with its work making oxygen for us to breathe" was devastatingly beautiful and profoundly instructive.


But this was more than a lament for a world dying one tree at a time; you left room for optimism for those with patience and an understanding of nature's resilience.  The roots, our hope, remains. So moving. Well done! 



S74rw4rd's picture

This is a very astute

This is a very astute response to the poem.


word_man's picture

the only thing sacred to man

the only thing sacred to man is his wealth,to hell with the rest

ron parrish

bishu's picture

Thanks my friend

Thanks my friend for reading. Wealth is needed for medical care



Jesster's picture


sad tale, Bishu!

Copyright © JessterStarshine

bishu's picture

Aww dear MG

Aww dear MG. Nice to see you❤



allets's picture

"No Mangoes This Year..."

And yet the root is strong, the future promised fruit - so much strength and encouragement brings tears to my mind and eyes. We have been without hope for soooooo long. We need your optimism. A tree need not cry. 



bishu's picture

Dear pal-in-the sea. Thank you❤

Dear pal-in-the-sea . I'm rowing hard. My fingers are chaffed but I'm certain to see you❤ on the island of 2060



allets's picture


Lost 4 pals in postpoems in a week. Taking a long break. U have my e-mail. SailingtoIslandonaseaofsweatandtears

Hi bish. Miss u. 



SSmoothie's picture

Its not the same since you

Its not the same since you left us too Stella. We miss you so much xo 

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."

lyrycsyntyme's picture

Do you know what became of

Do you know what became of Stella?

SSmoothie's picture

Passed away to the place of

Passed away to the place of inspiration to become inspiration herself for us still lucky enough to write. Hugss 

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."

bishu's picture


