Connect the dots

Lies for the weak, lies with the meek in all are mistakes and misfortune, 

Lies I speak to unsuspected prey I seek 
I make them ache like a bite from a snake 
Constantly critiqued for my misspeak
It causes commotion and destruction 
With everyone I meet till I feel the defeat when it comes over I weep 
Swallowing potion to help with these mixed up emotions 
I want to feel complete with no deceit
I notion in slow motion how I get beat from all this delusional mistreat 
I count omens I have circled around my gnomon 
I place really neat in the wall in my head but needed to treat 
To get rid of this shaman that tells me of my remotion 
All mixed up now trying to cheat hiding in my suite
Away from connections lost in my devotions don't want to hear anybody's commotions for fear to meet my common defeats 
My mind dives into the ocean drowning in this unexpressed emotion 
for what it seems like forever a bleak streak that pours from my eyes 
And lost forever in this mystique cell while being oblique in my speech 
Author's Notes/Comments: 


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allets's picture


I discover a new word I have never seen before. I like it! The poem is somewhere else entirely - emotion, not for narrative, interesting way to write it down. Intriguing ~a~