Tanka - - - Wordless


        Wordless watching you

        wide streaming inspiration

        full heart's over flow.

        Manifested through action

        responding daily life's call.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

"Use this box to tell why you wrote the poem, like the poem; when you wrote the poem or explain the poem, etc..."
I wrote the poem because something within me has the urge to be expressed. When I follow this urge then I feel good, it is a release of energy. This makes that new energy is arrising, from new spaces, maybe unkown until now, opening up fields of inspiration, opening new horizons. How could I not like it?! Asking me to 'explain' my poem is like asking to explain a flower or the fresh wind on my hot skin, etc...
So if somebody makes a comment, then this should be done out of the same source and the ideal would be if this expression also has the form of a poem.
This is a place where poets are gathering. Right? So couldn't it be possible that a Tanka or Haiku triggers a response of a Haiku? Then creating a chain of Haiku or Tanka...

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Deborah Russell's picture

I enjoy your work. I also am inspired by your comments.