Oh how I was freed
by Grace devine
not by any deed
not by an act of mine.
By Grace devine
By Your death and resurection,
not by an act of mine,
You washed away my awful sin.
By Your death and resurection,
You presented me with this free gift.
You washed away my awful sin.
Between you and me, there was a rift.
You presented me with this free gift
and you called it salvation.
Between you and me, there was a rift
but You closed it and called me friend.
For the gift called salvation,
grateful I shall always be.
You closed the rift and called me friend.
You opened my eyes and now I see.
Grateful I shall always be
for the eternal life I received
when You opened my eyes and let me see
To Your grace, I have cleaved.
Eernal life I received
not by my own deed.
To Your grace, I have cleaved.
And, oh how I was freed.