
just thoughts

So i have figured something out about myself, I so much long to be in love yet wont give a man a chance My heart is scared I'm scared... I cant take the pain my heart can't. Another thing I am realizing is I dont let them ever get to close or tell them how I feel its almost as if i put up this big wall and no one is able to climb over or break it down... My heart has one too many cracks, but all i long for is too be loved.. I'm inlove with my two best guy friends and got feelings for another guy i dont know who or what i want like its so confusing and i hate that about myself... i wonna be with two guys so much and no not that way but i feel so strongly about both of them that it scares me half to death. cause I dont know how I'm sapose to choose like whatt randomly pick a # from one to ten, or see who will make more money who is better in bed, like how do i choose i love them both so much that it makes me crazy.... so for now I'm going to relase and forget it all hope it blows over i sapose and maybe lower my walls......


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Well it's funny you've been on here a long time, but I've never left a comment so I guess I should. Anyways you're obviously thinking too much Britt, I know it's hard to trust that someone will love you the same way you love them but come on now, any guy would be lucky to have someone as wonderful as you in their life. I'm sure one day you'll find the right guy for you and he'll always make you happy because you deserve to have someone like that. P.S. Your other works are awesome too.