Sour on the Creep


Cold November night's chill creeps onto the day's warmth
Like death on mice feet, creeping and claiming

My heart fades, it slithers to the darkness without you
What is happening to the man you love?
What has corrupted our dream?

As the blackness paints over the orb of the world
Millions of years old light flickering

With aching finger tips, I stretch out
Where are you? What has happen to us?
Do you suffer as I do? Do the dreams sour into night terrors raiding?

The sun disappears from the sky, but its light lingers
In the sphere of Lunar, I linger on the edge

I am here, standing on the lip of our dream
Do I allow this to sour? Do I enjoy the bitterness better?
Do I allow the staleness to lay claim to our love?

The flickering remains of the day grow colder green
As my heart moans the passing of the moment

Do I let go? Do I hold onto the dream?
What has come of us and why do I feel so lost?
Where are you now? Just as lost as me in the dark?

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