Light The Way, My Love

Light the way, my love;

Cast upon the dark, cold ground

The secrets of thy glove

And free my dreams heaven-bound.

The warmth which streams

From thy smile

Shall cold ground heat;

Make death the while.

Thy shining eyes; burning bright

Shall cause the skies of dark make flight.

Thou hast far more grace than Noah's dove;

Will thee light the way, my love?

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I suppose this is intended as a love poem?

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bluestar's picture

how blessed, and yet nostalgic...

Q Amidala's picture

Centuries from now, your works will be discovered and looked upon like Shakespeare in our present day. I hope you truly realize the gift you have.

Jillian Camtasia Carver's picture

Thats.. wodnerful. Has religion and beauty and love all in the same few lines. Its ... beyond words to address its beauty. And the way you word things... Wow... thats al lI can say. Its just that beautiful. I am without words to properly describe it.