Ryan Murphy

My Portfolio
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Tylertown, Mississippi

More About Me

What I want you to know about me...

Writing, Reading, Thinking

I write a lot of stories, and never really got into poetry. I wrote a few, here and there and none where ever good. My first good poem was "Lay Down-- Cry No More." The reason it was a success was the fact that I stopped trying to rhyme and tried to speak from my heart. My first rhyming poem that I thought good enough to publish was "Lament of the Greystar." Funny thing about it: I was throwing it together for a story and by the end of the first stanza, realized I was rhyming, so I rhymed the second stanza. So that rhyme was by accident. My first intentional rhyming poem was "Profero Lux (By the Waters)" and I read it ever time I turn the computer on, I love it so much. My two latest poems, "Profero Lux" and "Under the Fading Trees" talks about the ever continuing spiritual warfare in my life. Spirituality is a big part of my life, and it is evident my poetry reflects that. I am a Christian, and I muse over the scriptures to better understand the mysteries of God. It is he, alone, to whom all glory for my work is due.

Favorite Stuff (poets, poems, quotes, hobbies, etc.)

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline. -King Solomon


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20 years 34 weeks