
It's quite strange how the time of day, and the playing of soothing music can make one feel such a feeling
The internal warmth spreading through my body like a vicious disease
The anxious butterflies flapping their delicate wings in my stomach cavity
The light lifting and falling of my chest to the plucking of guitar strings
A wave of restlessness drowns me, leaving me sinking in my sheets while the music kiss my ears

Author's Notes/Comments: 

What inspired this was every night, or even during the day, I have these moments of like pure joy and realness almost. I'll be sitting, listening to music or just thinking and I'll think to myself, "Wow I have a great life, this is a great moment, etc." And I write most of my poems during these moments. I love these moments and yearn for them.

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Dizzylemons's picture

A lovely poem for a lovely

A lovely poem for a lovely thought. This seems to be a bit of a recurring theme in your poetry, I like it a lot :) Just out of interest what kind of music makes you feel this way? Keep up the good work

bluebird_'s picture

Thank you! And just really

Thank you! And just really slow, calm music. Such as Bon Iver, Bobby Long, The Lumineers, artists like that.