A Walk Along The Way

Lonely for love, longing for life

Fighting the hardness, battling the strife

Romance is your icecream, and you like it in any flavor

You like honesty, and good taste, these you do savor

The wind blows a stranger your way

To write you a poem and brighten your day

A true friend is what you really need

For this, a friend, your heart does plead

Searching and searching for someone to talk to

Someone who will listen, someone who needs too

Why did you pick me tonight, these words you said

I needed a friend to talk to, before I go to bed

Day after day and night after night

We meet together and share our lives and our plight

Questions and questions and questions galore

So many, and so different, and you just want more

About kids and family, animals and homes

About the our daily lives, our youth, or just being alone

Attitudes and actions pass over the screen

Hints of style...  use of words... even our dreams

Walking down a beach, and skating along the streets

With a breeze in our hair, smelling seafood waft through the air

Oh how wonderful, it is to get to know a friend

To share experiences, hoping it will not end

Its like walking down a street that you had never been before

Seeing the sights, hearing the sounds, going through each store

Whats on your mind today, you do ask me with glee

How are you, and hows yours day, would you like to walk with me

Let us take a stroll together, even though for a short time

And tell each other how weve been, and whats been on our mind

On and on, shall we walk, until our ways do part

May our friendship, bring us joy and gladness to our heart

May we remember, the kind, kind words, each of us may say

As we go this lifes journey,  As we walk along the way

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allets's picture

Keep Writing

Read lots of sonnets - for rhymed word acquisition lexicon. Your 1234 is called iambic pentameter. Most contemporary lyrics are in that meter. "do" and "does" is distracting.




I want to be in love

share my walks,

meet and discretely share,

talk to warmth before I sleep.


I want to see a different face

The mirror is too cold.

Lives shared is what makes

me smile.


I want alone to morph

and double. Trouble is

I have not met you yet.






J-9thxciv's picture

There is good advice in the

There is good advice in the comment from Allets.  Definitely lose the grammatical dinosaur called the "Do-Does-Did."  Sinnets from all sorts of poets are well worth your study.  Perhaps, also, look at Estlin Cummings' use of scatter rhyme as a way to losen the stiffness of the Petrarchan sonnet, and as a way to use enjambment to your poems' distinct advantage.

J-9thxciv [fka Starward]

bishu's picture

Good verse

Poetic punch with melancholy fizz & loneliness toppings. Why not someting bright for a change. Best wishes



bern's picture

Poem AWalkAlong The Way

Heart felt poem thank you for sharing Bern