She loves her man, sweats
in extra effort to make
the home a memorable space
for comfort and welcome.
She loves her lover, simply
touching or lightly brushing past.
She will take on a world of wolves
bare handed to protect
what she and her mate are
and will make.
She loves the love of others
even when the love is little
or lacking. Courageously,
an ego slingling woman stokes
all fires to light darkness,
to warm hands, and heat
all hearts and hearths.
Lady A
Bring it baby! Love this!
Bring it baby! Love this! Hugss !
Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS
"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."
Sass as a Verb
The practical side of loving, thanks for the co-hurrah! - so together - Lady A
"She will take on a world of wolves
bare handed to protect
what she and her mate are
and will make."
"Damn Right Lady A!"
Love, Love, Love!
"We are, Each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another." -Luciano De Crescenzo
Thank you for your ardent agreement - keepin' it real - Lady A
The light touch or pass by
The light touch or pass by can be tingly. That's always a good feeling, don't you think?
Copyright © JessterStarshine
Yes, I Think
I wanted to add the everyday love in there somewhere, after the heavy breathing there are other ways to demonstrate and share - women do it to men all the time, when a man does it to a woman, a brief caress or inadvertent but acknowledged touch in passing, stars go nova, don't cha know! - Lady A