Kracked Haiku



The time spoke

in electric dreams

of quilted squares.


Beyond and below

you the street roars

white sirens echo


Ripe apples fall

the bruised suns frown

some earth weeps floods


A blue earth tilts

vanishing stars

grow up side up


Hawaiian breeze

introduces real wood

fingers flung farther


A fly crawls six floors

wings unclipped

sharing universes


Book observes glasses

purloined pain visits

the black leaves dance


Lady A


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lyrycsyntyme's picture

You fluidly sowed our

You fluidly sowed our existential planetary existence together. : )

allets's picture

I Patch It

As I Can - Wallace Stevens



S74rw4rd157's picture

Now these are some mighty

Now these are some mighty fine haiku.  Although I do not normally care for those that break the 5/7/5 count, these are certainly an excellent exception to that preference . . . especially the haiku about the blue earth's tilt:  that one is stunningly, and exquisitely, perfect.

Starwardist [fk

allets's picture

Fractured Haiku

Is a site G. schaefer posts on aka anerican haiku (pronounced Hike!)- maybe I should submit them. Too tired. Novelled 1p-530p today. Glad u liked the tilted earth.




S74rw4rd157's picture

Yes, I really liked them. 

Yes, I really liked them.  And I hope you will post them not only here but elsewhere, as they need to be read by many others . . . especially that tilted earth haiku.  Wow!

Starwardist [fk

allets's picture

No Longer publish

Addictive as pp site. Gotta novel.  I put it on message board. 
Lady A