They did not tell
me about this part,
when you attend more
and more memorial
services for
the friends you
really liked.
The ones you have
left are precious,
not seen as often as
when young, but there
and special.
Yet, so many
are no longer on
the other end
of the phone.
They would have loved
cell phones, and
the internet, Google
and Facebook.
Lady A
Many of mine are turning to dust too. So sad!! Alot of them will be traveling with me. Seems I am becoming caretaker of the dead.
Copyright © JessterStarshine
I Get That Feeling Too
From time to time I go through the list and remember the good ol days - there were so many of them :D
Give me the privilege
Give me the privilege of saying " My feelings are similar "
A Lady Once Said To Me
"You don't understand about being old." Well, if you live long enough such feelings and the condition knocks on your front, back, and side doors. ~(:D)-