As The World Lies Dead

As the world lies dead,

I scratch my head,

Colours; brown, black,

Red with dred.

Men lie upon the ground,

Scattered all about,

Young eyes shouldn't see,

A leg here, an elbow there,

Blood full of crud.

My eyes decieve me,

For there lies a flag,

Bright, clean, free,

It all stands for Liberty!

How is it so, with blood all about?

I scratch my head,

As the world lies dead.

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adny's picture

Flags are coated in the blood

Flags are coated in the blood of the innocent yet the ideology bleaches the proof out.


great poem btw

The darkness outside is not so frightening as the one inside. Behind knowing smiles and crocodile tears we hide our fears.


Being angry at someone is to give them power over you, but to forgive is to take away that power.

Lasohnda Harris's picture

this is a deep poem and straight 2 the point i likes

itsmesowhatofit's picture

Hmm, it ended very surprisingly. I like this poem.