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Free_Spirit's picture
Free_Spirit posted a new Poem titled 18 weeks ago
  I was made for something but I can’t see it My search is long and I can’t reveal it!  I Lost my purpose, I lost my way Distracte...
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georgeschaefer's picture
georgeschaefer posted a new Poem titled OLD UNDERWEAR 18 weeks ago
    Old underwear                    kee...
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georgeschaefer's picture
georgeschaefer posted a new Poem titled VISONARY POETRY 18 weeks ago
    I gave my love a cherry while we fight              intensely...
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joy's picture
joy posted a new Poem titled OUR BEST FRIEND 18 weeks ago
  I never know where these blessing will come from I’m often surprised at how they find their way to me… for instance, today’s blessing...
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joy's picture
joy posted a new Poem titled WHEN DO YOU STOP BELIEVING? 18 weeks ago
  When she was a very young girl…she imagines from the moment she was born with her parents help she believed in all kinds things…like...
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Teytonon's picture
Teytonon posted a new Poem titled It’s a red flag 18 weeks ago
Headline in today's N.Y. Times: 'At Justice Alito's House, a 'Stop the Steal' Symbol on Display'
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satishverma's picture
satishverma posted a new Poem titled Lilies Are In Bloom 18 weeks ago
Held between theexplosion was my drowsiness.Pathogenesis of flawed truth?A picture of yourholiness comes. The words float onthe water of gre...
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Savvart's picture
Savvart posted a new Poem titled A Child Respected 18 weeks ago
In tender youth, where dreams are softly spun, A child, like morning dew on petals fair, If nurtured with respect, will brightly run, Throug...
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unspokenvoice's picture
unspokenvoice posted a new Poem titled my little blossom 18 weeks ago
all i wanted was to watch that little blossom bloom, to nurture and to love and embrace it im sunlight. you called it selfish and cruel to b...
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chris's picture
chris posted a new Poem titled DOCK 18 weeks ago
 DOCK POEM   There's no phone.   Don't have to go home.   We can finally, see, be alone.   Home, we don't have to g...
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weepingwoman's picture
weepingwoman posted a new Prose titled The Long Con 18 weeks ago
    I called myself an alcoholic    in an attempt to get alcohol    out of the house But you called my bluff...
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Teytonon's picture
Teytonon posted a new Poem titled Innocence does this make sense 18 weeks ago
It's time now for a story A tale which must be heard  About a man whose glory  Is well-deserved? Absurd!   His name was Gilbe...
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chris's picture
chris posted a new Poem titled THE TRAINS 18 weeks ago
      Omaha, Denver, LA   They are foing west.   I think they are the best.   East, Chicago.  Yes, that i...
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Free_Spirit's picture
Free_Spirit posted a new Poem titled A stormy night 18 weeks ago
Theres peace in me, even in my storms The rain; falls over me,  as I get wet and shakey  my brain disengages from my demons… ...
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S74RW4RD's picture
S74RW4RD posted a new Poem titled @ 27.055 MHz: Ad Astra; From The Painter's Studio [XLIX] 18 weeks ago
Long-haired, young, slender and agile, he posed for my portrait of the ideal Ganymede, naked and tumescent.  But had Ganymede ever been...
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