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demented_irishman's picture
demented_irishman posted a new Poem titled Delusions of a Darkened Nature #1 22 years ago
I smoked myself to sleep In blood I was knee deep I never started praying But now I've started slaying Look deep into my eyes Thr...
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running_with_rabbits's picture
running_with_rabbits posted a new Poem titled The boy who lied 22 years ago
once there was this boy who always lied he told one to his mum and died but no one cared coz he never shared so not one at his death bed cri...
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saiom's picture
saiom posted a new Poem titled On the Blue Page of Sky 22 years ago
Released from confinement in the karmic ark On the blue page of sky the wings of the lark "I love you" wrote with invisible arc. MOTHER EAR...
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davidwalters's picture
davidwalters posted a new Poem titled Poetic Genius & Enthusiasm 22 years ago
Poetic Genius and Enthusiasm by David Arthur Walters All the categories in the world, whether they be seventeen hundred or seventy thousa...
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saiom's picture
saiom posted a new Poem titled Olives Of Allah's Altars 22 years ago
The olive tree is the altar of Allah. On it Allah has placed olives free for all. May Allah none allow to alter His altars. RUBIES OF R...
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saiom's picture
saiom posted a new Poem titled Cattle Futures: No More An Oxymoron 22 years ago
CATTLE FUTURES DOWN.. NO MORE AN OXYMORON Cattle futures down .. Cows' futures: In the 90 degree heat dying of thirst on the abbatoir bound...
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gwennalockafer's picture
gwennalockafer posted a new Poem titled Conformity 22 years ago
I set here   bored nothing to do but what the fuck is new I lay here   Alone thinking of you but what the fuck does that...
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gwennalockafer's picture
gwennalockafer posted a new Poem titled Sultry Eyes 22 years ago
  Look outside my mysterious life   Look inside my sultry eyes You don't know me I'm just a face Look again--try to se...
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saiom's picture
saiom posted a new Poem titled How Maury Dropped the A 22 years ago
                    How   ...
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saiom's picture
saiom posted a new Poem titled Boxing The Ocean 22 years ago
Some of us who attempt to write poems want to box the ocean.. to make His Royal Boundlessness to our measurement conform .. we want to con...
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saiom's picture
saiom posted a new Poem titled African Hearts, Polish Horses, Women as One 22 years ago
O Abba, O Allah, O YHWH to You we give thanks that in time Polish horses defeat Nazi tanks that in time defenseless African hearts beating...
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saiom's picture
saiom posted a new Poem titled Team Captain Selection 22 years ago
Death, the captain of the team, kept selecting candidates...but this one was not fast enough nor focused enough nor strong enough.. to be pi...
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starlite_angel's picture
starlite_angel posted a new Poem titled Today I'm Not Me 22 years ago
I don't feel the same Like something blew out the flame That kept me alive I go to the car to go for a drive But still somethings not right...
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cameca8's picture
cameca8 posted a new Poem titled Freeze 22 years ago
In a world of possibilities There's a place where i'm someone With a mind with responsibilities Not regret of things undone But only wh...
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cameca8's picture
cameca8 posted a new Poem titled Sleeping In a Field 22 years ago
How heavy are the drops of sky And warm, pressed to the sun Bluer than any tear I cry Or pillow I rest upon The weight of my breath and Mo...
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