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saiom's picture
saiom posted a new Poem titled Chubby Hand 22 years ago
The chubby little hand of the small boy .. tenderly cups the head of the puppy.. ..a magic little cup this hand.. which holds the liquid of...
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dragongreeneyes's picture
dragongreeneyes posted a new Poem titled Crush 22 years ago
It hurts my eyes to look at you. You burn so bright, shine with life and an innerlight; I did not know I had been existing in safe darkne...
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dragongreeneyes's picture
dragongreeneyes posted a new Poem titled So I'm A Fool 22 years ago
So I�m a fool for you So what? I enjoy it Let me have my fun Loving you is easy After all Can you say that You have enough Love in this wo...
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dragongreeneyes's picture
dragongreeneyes posted a new Poem titled Bittersweet 22 years ago
Lies bittersweet, Fall from delicate lips Deception, Obsidian sharp and Bleeding from Cuts paper-thin Let me rest Unwounded and chaste Fr...
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dragongreeneyes's picture
dragongreeneyes posted a new Poem titled Just One 22 years ago
Just one hand to hold and be held by. Just one heart beating next to mine. Just another body sharing the pains and pleasures this life brin...
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michael's picture
michael posted a new Poem titled Oliver 22 years ago
Oliver, can you hear me? Come hither son, sit down Where be your scoundrel Fagan Is he somewhere close around? Come closer lad, come closer...
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michael's picture
michael posted a new Poem titled Your Ship 22 years ago
The sun at times shines The sky rains But we continue In our venue And regrettably our pains. We grasp at silken threads And try to hold fa...
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michael's picture
michael posted a new Poem titled If I Could Say 22 years ago
I almost wish I weren’t human For we humans have no adequate way Of saying thanks the way you deserve. You have given and do give So very mu...
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michael's picture
michael posted a new Poem titled Into the Light 22 years ago
Only when one steps into the light Can one tell what the darkness is. I now know the darkness Because I know that you are the light. The lig...
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saiom's picture
saiom posted a new Poem titled Pink to Grey 22 years ago
The bright pink of sunset cloud shards fades into grey The bright orange of fireplace flames turns to ashes The Mars dominated redhead becom...
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saiom's picture
saiom posted a new Poem titled * Poems To Pisces 22 years ago
Poems To Pisces PACIFIC Her virgo is brilliant and specific but her Pisces is universal and Pacific (to Heather S) PISCEAN ENJOYING Am...
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saiom's picture
saiom posted a new Poem titled 5 Thoughts Of Forgiving, 3 Poems of Forgiving, Pear Babies 22 years ago
  FIVE THOUGHTS ON FORGIVING When loved ones of a murder victim clamor for execution, they call the action justice but it is revenge....
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saiom's picture
saiom posted a new Poem titled Daffodil Chalice 22 years ago
DAFFODIL CHALICE Father winter .. he did fill the hopeful cup of wee daffodil with the cold sorbet of chill the icing of snowspill. But...
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saiom's picture
saiom posted a new Poem titled Melt The Curse of Two Babes 22 years ago
Some say that Boston Red Sex have not won a pennant for many decades because of the Curse Of The Babe.. (Ruth) traded against his will. Oth...
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saiom's picture
saiom posted a new Poem titled Soldier Children Of the Poor 22 years ago
These innocent children of the poor .. now soldiers with the whole world on their exploited shoulders
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