Site-Wide Post Activity: All Authors

t_almamlouk's picture
t_almamlouk posted a new Poem titled قيود 21 years ago
فكى قيودك 00حلى الوثاق00 وابعدى اغلالك عنى00 فانا ما تعودت ام اكل بالحديد00 ارحمى قلبى 00 وحبى الوليد00 فانا ما تعودت القيود00 ما تعودت ان ت...
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t_almamlouk's picture
t_almamlouk posted a new Poem titled فلتحذرى 21 years ago
مرة اخرى تغضبيننى 00 فلتحذرى00 فقلبى يحتضر00 وحبى يحتضر00 وكل اخضر فيه يستحيل حديقة جدباء00 وعيناى تلهبها النيران 00 فلتحذرى00 فان حبى طوفان...
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t_almamlouk's picture
t_almamlouk posted a new Poem titled عودة القبطان 21 years ago
بعد ان اعيانى الابحار 00 والتطواف00 بعد ان نزلت بكل موانى العشق00 وبعد ان ضلت مراكبى00وتقطعت اشرعتى00 وابحرت بلا مجداف00 بلا زمان00 ولا مكان...
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t_almamlouk's picture
t_almamlouk posted a new Poem titled تصبحين على خير 21 years ago
تصبحين على خير مولاتى00 يا عمرى 00 يا زمنى 00 يا ابتهالاتى00 يا رحلة البحث عن هويتى 00 وشخصيتى 0 وعن قلبى 00 وعن ذاتى00 يا فرحة العمر 00 يا...
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enuminous's picture
enuminous posted a new Poem titled Me Detector 21 years ago
Another few days in a deep tunnel mining memories From the depths of the stuffing-place Another strange way of roughing out days of obscure...
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t_almamlouk's picture
t_almamlouk posted a new Poem titled الرحيل 21 years ago
صديقتى00 كنت استعد للرحيل 00 واحزم الحقائب00 وابعث ذكرياتى 00بارجاء المكان00 الملم الصور 00وقصائدى 00 وكلامك الجميل00 الملم ملابسى المعباة ب...
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t_almamlouk's picture
t_almamlouk posted a new Poem titled أغار عليك 21 years ago
نعم اغار عليك00 فما بكلامى يدعوك يا حبيبتى للدهشة00 مانا دمائى من نار00 وصلابتى من لهيب نيرانى تصير هشة00 وعواطفىرغم رسوخها 00 تصبح بعصفرياح...
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t_almamlouk's picture
t_almamlouk posted a new Poem titled صدقى 21 years ago
صدقى 00 او لا تصدقى00 لو لففتى محيط الكرة الارضية00 وعبرت غلافها 00 الى كل مجرات الكون00 وسالتى الملائكة 00 وسالتى الشياطين00 وكل عروس بحر 0...
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enuminous's picture
enuminous posted a new Poem titled Wily Coyote 21 years ago
You saunter Over a three inch stretch of air A gap of faith A gap of physical disbelief A gap of will over gravity You saunter Straight...
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enuminous's picture
enuminous posted a new Poem titled English Schitzophrenic 21 years ago
All her clocks had different times To fool the devil And confound her visitors But tea was always at four All her books had different title...
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enuminous's picture
enuminous posted a new Poem titled Two 21 years ago
The straight arrow The broken arrow The straight and narrow All lies and peril The holy tarot The oozing marrow The morning sparrow Couldn't...
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enuminous's picture
enuminous posted a new Poem titled Death of Words 21 years ago
Moan of dying flowers fills the meadow drown'd With despair of nature raped a concrete tomb sound Hiss of elephant's last gasp a hunter's gu...
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enuminous's picture
enuminous posted a new Poem titled Wholeness 21 years ago
Allied spirits show the strength Compassion of pure fools Love attack of twilight's fear Show us be us love us Glow that radiant soul Show...
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enuminous's picture
enuminous posted a new Poem titled Puppy Kidnapped My Eyes 21 years ago
A man carrying a puppy for days The skin of his eyes dry in a daze Finding yet more air in his face he staggers Drunk, binding our states s...
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truths's picture
truths posted a new Poem titled Harat Afghanistan.. Bush Helps Taliban 21 years ago
In Harat Afghanistan the Bush junta has helped Taliban once again the walls close around the women .. sealed in by military men in Washingt...
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