Site-Wide Post Activity: All Authors

amores's picture
amores posted a new Poem titled Dolor reciente 20 years ago
Tu olvido fue el protagonista de este cuento cuento que terminarيa  "y vivieron felices por siempre"; ahora sé que no hay cuento q...
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perception's picture
perception posted a new Poem titled Count On It 20 years ago
8-9-03 I invite you in to abuse me I let you in my house You fucking use me And you ignore me I thought you Fucking adored me What t...
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hippieslove's picture
hippieslove posted a new Poem titled The Circus 20 years ago
Do you see them Some people call them Freaks who need more friends, Whose candle blew out Way too soon. The depressed clown Sways back and...
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cassandra_lynn's picture
cassandra_lynn posted a new Poem titled Wanting To Love Him~(ryan) 20 years ago
Her life is like a terrible dream, She wake ups every cold dark morning, opens her her dungeon door, and walks down the twisted narrow st...
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missmichelle's picture
missmichelle posted a new Poem titled For You 20 years ago
Nat, As the light pours over the window sill And warms my skin with it's tender kiss My lashes flutter of waking dreams Yet my waking thou...
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connie's picture
connie posted a new Poem titled As I Walk Through Life............... 20 years ago
I've learned - that you cannot make someone love you. All you can do is be someone who can be loved. The rest is up to them I've learne...
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tiong_chung_hoo's picture
tiong_chung_hoo posted a new Poem titled MALAYSIAN HAIKU OCTOBER 14, 2003 20 years ago
OIC KL meet resounding the  prophet's call to respect the world
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tiong_chung_hoo's picture
tiong_chung_hoo posted a new Poem titled PRECIOUS HAIKU OCTOBER 14, 2003 20 years ago
a meteorite our fate the first day of its trip meteorite travels for thousands of years to reach earth. it could only be due to fate that w...
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deethepoet's picture
deethepoet posted a new Poem titled My treasure in the clouds 20 years ago
I sit here feeling sorry for myself Seems like everything is going no where But as I read, and I search for the answers I read a few lines t...
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deethepoet's picture
deethepoet posted a new Poem titled Shine (Falling in love all over Again) 20 years ago
I want to shine, I'm craving the light Searching for a moment that will define What you have instore for this life I can't help but tremble...
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rbcwalters's picture
rbcwalters posted a new Poem titled Go to Phoenix in the Winter 20 years ago
You were like a gypsy In your youth, And you traveled to The islands in the West, And to Chicago, And to New York, And to New Orleans...
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bigluv21's picture
bigluv21 posted a new Poem titled Sadness 20 years ago
From the shadows of the night he arose His face carried evil in his grin, with eyes as dark as coal. Silence was in his voice, Fear was at h...
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sidhe_whispers's picture
sidhe_whispers posted a new Poem titled Candy 20 years ago
Lips like candy venom Sticky and posionous. She licks them, and it reminds you of Angelina Only a little more moist. You close your eyes; M...
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grahf's picture
grahf posted a new Poem titled Channel Surfing 20 years ago
Countless lines Better left for mimes. My productivity is shot - Two-thousand lines And still I've not said much. Spent too fucking long Com...
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justjeanne's picture
justjeanne posted a new Poem titled Why is it so hard? 20 years ago
Why is it so hard to get over the one you loved Even when he didnt love you back cnat get him out of my mind No matter how hard I try He is...
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