Site-Wide Post Activity: All Authors

georgeschaefer's picture
georgeschaefer posted a new Poem titled WORLD OUT OF ORDER 24 weeks ago
    Eastwood movies and Brazilian rainforests struggling for imagery out of the ordinary grasping for fleeting passions and lusts...
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georgeschaefer's picture
georgeschaefer posted a new Poem titled WHERE ARE ALL THE LITERARY GROUPIES ANYWAY? 24 weeks ago
    So where are all the literary groupies anyway?   That’s the one I’d really like to know Just where exactly are they all...
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joy's picture
joy posted a new Poem titled THANKFUL FOR THE SIMPLICITY OF LOVE 24 weeks ago
  Today I’m thankful for the simplicity of love:   For our path ahead is smooth… If our purpose in life is to love to love to love...
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joy's picture
joy posted a new Poem titled WHEN DID THE WORDS CHANGE? 24 weeks ago
   ‘Jesus loves the little children All the children of the world Red, brown, yellow, black and white All our precious in his or h...
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Teytonon's picture
Teytonon posted a new Poem titled Worse than an earthquake 24 weeks ago
Can Donald Trump defeat Joe Biden? On a tidal wave of support he's been ridin' If his support still be growing  November we'll be knowi...
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satishverma's picture
satishverma posted a new Poem titled Embrace The Harm 24 weeks ago
This was an elegy for afallen tree. Salt of my body collects onthe skin. An aphrodite walks on the bloody trail.The daughter of the mooncrie...
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Teytonon's picture
Teytonon posted a new Poem titled The one and only Marge 24 weeks ago
There once was a hooker named Marge Who'd meet clients on the dock by the barge  Would say to all of the men 'Good to see you again...
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S74RW4RD's picture
S74RW4RD posted a new Poem titled Yet [*/+/^] : 27.225 MHz, Some Final Measures; On That Friday Night In July, 1974 24 weeks ago
[after Isaiah 43:1, 48:12 and 15] On that Friday night in July, 1974, my Lord called me to rise and step outside the door to look upon...
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Teytonon's picture
Teytonon posted a new Poem titled At least he’s up front about it 24 weeks ago
There once was a man named Sean Who, every day would wake up at dawn The first words that he spoke Each day when he woke Were 'I'm so horny,...
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Teytonon's picture
Teytonon posted a new Poem titled Spillin’ the tea with Beyoncé 24 weeks ago
A B Hey B   C D See D?   E F G H I 'E f*****g high   J K L M Jay kill 'im?   N O P Q R Know P? Queer   S T U V W X...
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S74RW4RD's picture
S74RW4RD posted a new Poem titled @ 27.055 MHz: Ad Astra; Science Fiction Poem 24 weeks ago
[words of an extraterrestrial, interstellar and interplanetary diplomat, with the rank of Ambassador] "The beauty of certain, sometimes nak...
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ladylynnp's picture
ladylynnp posted a new Poem titled Sexual Narcissist 24 weeks ago
33 years  Hotels Rooms Ruined relationships  Emotional blackmail  Me thinking I was losing my mind  Finding out I was wi...
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georgeschaefer's picture
georgeschaefer posted a new Poem titled FICTION OVER REALITY 24 weeks ago
    Some people prefer                  ...
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georgeschaefer's picture
georgeschaefer posted a new Poem titled DOOMED FUTURE 24 weeks ago
    No guzzling from any cup of salvation the boarded up stores and restaurants imply the doomed future for urban and suburban dwe...
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pamschwetz's picture
pamschwetz posted a new Poem titled AYAHUASCA 24 weeks ago
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