You Can't Be Trusted

This is the second time in almost three months you have let me down.

I rearranged my schedule for you on almost a daily basis.

I feed you.

I help you out 

I take you where you need to go.

However back in May when I had a medical emergency you said you couldn't come 

over and came up with an excuse.

Then this morning I wake up to a text asking why my daughter's phone is showing 

her in Arkansas at 1046 last night. However y'all didn't bother to come over to the house to check on me or her. 


Finally het location put her back where she was supposed to be and she will answer her phone in the morning when I call and I also be calling the parent where she is at.


However you can't be trusted. You really don't care. It's all about you. You use me for my money. Food. Showers, Air conditioning. Laundry. 

You don't care about us. My husband was right. Y'all didn't change in years and I gave you a chance.

It's okay. I will just keep my mouth shut and no longer be as available to you.

I'm done. You can't be trusted and you broke my trust and heart again.

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