Site-Wide Post Activity: All Authors

asaihati's picture
asaihati posted a new Poem titled [] مادمت يا سيدتي 22 years ago
مادمت يا سيدتي تكتبين فالحق شواطئ لا تنضب فتحملي وما للشمس أن تغرب والنور غشانا سيدتي والموج قرب لنا المركب والسحب تراءت في الأفق جمال الغيث...
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DaddyO's picture
DaddyO posted a new Poem titled "Steel-Blue Stare's Remembrance" 22 years ago
by Jeph Johnson   A truck stop off the Interstate welcomed me all night, while coffee fuelled my vigilance I began to write distorted d...
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onelilartist's picture
onelilartist posted a new Poem titled Jealousy 22 years ago
If I were not so insecure Perhaps I would not feel This green-eyed monster's eating, And making my head to reel. I need a keeper, that's wha...
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onelilartist's picture
onelilartist posted a new Poem titled Be My Friend 22 years ago
A friend of mine was lonely and so she surfed the net. If I had known how great her loneliness, I would have stuck closer you can bet. She e...
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starlite's picture
starlite posted a new Poem titled Everything 22 years ago
I love everything about you every single thing and I never want to hurt you you were never just a fling your the only thing that matters the...
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starlite's picture
starlite posted a new Poem titled The Star Inside Us 22 years ago
sometimes I think that stars are souls that we each have one within us and it takes a special person or special thing to make them really s...
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kiwi's picture
kiwi posted a new Poem titled PAIN. 22 years ago
Her eyes looked out of the screen at me And they begged me answer, "why?' "Why do you live in such wealth, and free, While I slowly starve a...
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kiwi's picture
kiwi posted a new Poem titled CLOUDS. 22 years ago
I've watched the clouds go floating by On many evenings past And often thought they mirrored life, Days drifting by so fast. Sometimes the...
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kiwi's picture
kiwi posted a new Poem titled SWEET RAIN. 22 years ago
Sweet rain, our eager hearts rejoice To hear your gentle patter. The thirsty earth sighs glad relief As you its surface splatter. Your sigh...
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asaihati's picture
asaihati posted a new Poem titled [] مولد الأمــل 22 years ago
بوجهك يا نور آمالي تندحر الأشباح بوجهك ينطق الأمل الواعد يشبه الخرافة وقصص ســّتي العجوز عند منامي ولا تغيب عن ذاكرة الليالي و الأساطير لتمل...
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hccgirl04's picture
hccgirl04 posted a new Poem titled Criminal Of Love 22 years ago
What have I done? What crime have I committed against you? To be charged with being, a criminal of love. ~ Did I love you too much? Was I to...
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hccgirl04's picture
hccgirl04 posted a new Poem titled My Good Luck Charm 22 years ago
You always told me Auntie Jean, that I would be a big big star, that I would be famous, and go real real far. ~ I always believed you, and I...
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hccgirl04's picture
hccgirl04 posted a new Poem titled My Mother Ate My Underwear 22 years ago
I opened my eyes, feeling ready for the day ahead. So I took a long stretch, and got my ass out of bed. ~ I knew something was wrong, but wh...
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serene's picture
serene posted a new Poem titled SALOME 22 years ago
the spell of my grace fluid, bewitching the sway of my hips slithering pirouette in perfect cadence to the music beating wildly an incanta...
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serene's picture
serene posted a new Poem titled THE LETTER 22 years ago
my life is a letter written intricately the paragraphs may be long its sentences may be run-on but a number of secrets lie within if only p...
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