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chick20a00dee's picture
chick20a00dee posted a new Poem titled I Let Nothing Get To Me!! 23 years ago
I feel hear every day that I'm just a freshman Because this one girl reminds me She always says, "That's a freshman for you." I feel so litt...
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chick20a00dee's picture
chick20a00dee posted a new Poem titled What Makes Me Happy!! 23 years ago
When I pray I pray for you Not for me in anyway Just to help you from becoming blue When I pray for you I feel joy inside Not deep down in...
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chick20a00dee's picture
chick20a00dee posted a new Poem titled Why Let It Suffer? 23 years ago
Everyone should get the chance to live Live to the fullest Like everything Animals, plants, and humans Why does God take puppies? Or why do...
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chick20a00dee's picture
chick20a00dee posted a new Poem titled Hate 23 years ago
Hate Think about that word How strong How violent How cruel How sad That word destroys Destroys everything Even friends, Family, And love Wh...
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chick20a00dee's picture
chick20a00dee posted a new Poem titled The Place 23 years ago
When I'm about to cry I ask God to take me to a different place And that is where I go It's a place where I'm alone Where I could cry forev...
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chick20a00dee's picture
chick20a00dee posted a new Poem titled Mother 23 years ago
Mother's Think about what they do Can we ever pay the back for everything? What we can do is love, Help them in need, And even leaned them y...
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chick20a00dee's picture
chick20a00dee posted a new Poem titled You Had Stopped Me 23 years ago
I had potential I had right I had a gift You wouldn't let it flow through You made me stop I could have made it All the way to the top But n...
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beiyin's picture
beiyin posted a new Poem titled We are blessed 23 years ago
               Life's best IS ours, because we are alive   ...
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pluguan's picture
pluguan posted a new Poem titled Melody 23 years ago
Well may we be,     If consider us this, To continue or lives,     In the strength of mu...
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gentle's picture
gentle posted a new Poem titled La Nuit, LAmour 23 years ago
Sweet love, sleep this night in gentle slumber. Run far into lush forests with brave wolves. Caste off all concerns you may encounter. Soar...
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qibr's picture
qibr posted a new Poem titled When 23 years ago
When it’s quiet and you are deep in thought When you think you hear an echo to your internal rhythm When you almost feel it’s beat When y...
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beiyin's picture
beiyin posted a new Poem titled Illusion of Ego 23 years ago
Thoughts, feelings and body sensations triggered reactions within human systems stimuli from 'outside' reflected within Multiple sparks a...
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beiyin's picture
beiyin posted a new Poem titled Various H a i k u and T a n k a 23 years ago
Walking in sunshine bright lighted hat holds head cool heart welcomes beauty Empty words get lost need directed heart power sound send...
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angelcrane's picture
angelcrane posted a new Poem titled Dont Like Me 23 years ago
Your face appeared in my dreams. You said you loved me and hugged me close. I awoke to my pillow in one arm and tears streaking down my face...
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menial's picture
menial posted a new Poem titled Sanity 23 years ago
Why must we live on Why must we survive Why must we have sanity Rather have insanity Sanity forces us to realize Sanity makes us how we are...
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