
(:Ashley Odell:)

My Portfolio
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More About Me

What I want you to know about me...

Doing things with my friends and my family the one I owe all to, b/c then I wouldn't be here!! I love to write poetry about my friends, hang out, go to movies, I hate work though but got to do it, talking, chatting, playing tennis, and many other things.

Like everyone else, I have hard times, and what I mean is that I don't have many friends. The poems I do write is usually to friends, because I'm trying to tell them how important they are to me and to get out of the real world. Also I am a Freshman in College!!! I love Country music and my favorite singers are Faith Hill and Tim Mcgrew. Go MORGAN YOU WILL BE A SINGER. My favorite song is by Mercyme called "IN YOU."(because that was the last time I got to huge Sue Marsh for a little while until they left for Japan, a lot of meaning in that song) If you have anytime to read my poems feel free to read, thanks for checking my website. I do appreciate everyone of you that take the time to read and critique my poems, I hope that they enlighten you as much as they do me!! Have a great day!!! And God bless you, b/c he already did me! Please sign my quest book thanks! I would also like to say something, that God means the world to me, He is so great to me. Even when I failed Him, He picked me up and He called me His own. That is a great God that can do that when u forget about Him, or u dont even want to know Him. That is all I have to say!

About My Navel

um...that would be hard...haha!!!!!

Favorite Stuff (poets, poems, quotes, hobbies, etc.)

''Don't take advantage of the time you have with someone; treasure every moment, it could be the last.'' by me
''I love people that live to love'' by: me
''Around different people and atmospheres, everything changes.'' by:me


Member for
23 years 49 weeks