#raxism #hypocrisy #love #unity


Author's Notes/Comments: 

Don't let anyone tell you your way, your culture, your history is wrong. We are where we are because it is, if it wasn't  itd be something different. A time and a place for all things. Hatred is wrong in all forms. When we reduce people to colours or groups instead of character and valid beings we dehumanise and devide. Its not okay. We are either all together or poles apart designating the other as evil not just different. Is this the world we really want to live in? Repeating the same pattern over and over? Or do we want something new?  Always be proud of who you are a fellow human being with much to give and the same capacity of evil as good. May we all start to see the good in eachither not the worst and may we all choose better.


Compassion rocks but only when all  sides cultivate it.


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