
It doesn't matter the color on the outside 

Your true colours are on the inside. 















Love the skins we are in. 


Author's Notes/Comments: 

Don't let anyone tell you your way, your culture, your history is wrong. We are where we are because it is, if it wasn't  itd be something different. A time and a place for all things. Hatred is wrong in all forms. When we reduce people to colours or groups instead of character and valid beings we dehumanise and devide. Its not okay. We are either all together or poles apart designating the other as evil not just different. Is this the world we really want to live in? Repeating the same pattern over and over? Or do we want something new?  Always be proud of who you are a fellow human being with much to give and the same capacity of evil as good. May we all start to see the good in eachither not the worst and may we all choose better.


Compassion rocks but only when all  sides cultivate it.


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allets's picture

One Day

For now, too much hate and murder against everyone. (Guns) As writers we have a responsibility to dream. You cannot eat a dream, however. (Inflation). Optimsm calls are great morale boosters. We need that. Character calls rock (this poem). Reality tends to knock suddenly. The wealthy will be immune (Ubers) - unless nuclear options settle arguments (Putin). My boss is Black is a neo-theme. We are in transition. 

I wish I had that kind of optimism (character inside defeats power structures). Nations are collapsing, Africa will suffer the most. Whites are let in at the usa borders (red carpet), blacks/browns sent back. I wish it were different. I wish I had proof that saying is reality. It is not, nor has it ever been. Roe will increase black and brown numbers. In usa, numbers matter. A reality. The balance is about fear of power and wealth loss (watch race of next immigrant wave). Boomers dying, replenishment of population by reversing Roe will not be enough. Gray power! (I'm a Baby Boomer). 


Been down the it's okay road before. It still feels hateful down there, bullets flying and that (national hatred crisis). We aim now for education and wealth, nice cribs, cars, and 1.4 kids. Color still matters, but power (cash and fame) ease out the bad wishers via class restrictions in usa. Truth. Critical Race Theory posits change the laws, changes the behavior (we will see). Nothing will ever alter hate against groups. Ever. Ask Rome, Egypt, Germany, Israel, Afghanistan, Texas, Florida, Georgia . . .


Love and Hugs





SSmoothie's picture

Wise words (Love the

Wise words (Love the brackets) they work so well. But if the government has weak protections and loop holes to chorale us then I'm going to say hang on to your hats ans your guns for now. Australia is suffering because of a low population and big government and attacks 9n small business through lobbyists paid for by big business. Its ugly also I. Uk and Canada the 5 eyes. If you ain't got sovereignty over your body you ain't got nothing. A jab for a job is not a choice. It's evil. Anyone who agrees is fascist and must come to terms with it. They are not freedom living because they don't understand how to mitigate their own risks, they want someone else to do it for.them, thus they are easily manipulated and easily programmed. When Money talks truth walks, The zombie thinkers are our downfall and I do not take kindly to such malise. 

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."

osiriss-'s picture


He there

SSmoothie's picture

Hey there!  Missed ya! Hope

Hey there! 

Missed ya! Hope you are all your radiant glorious self joy, peace, love and good health to you! Hugss 

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."

patriciajj's picture

The words are infallible

The words are infallible truth injected with the power of your conviction and intelligence. The last line thunders because of your shrewd, plunging structure. Amen and bravo! 

allets's picture


We seem to go through periods of compassion. In past, UN or WHO peals, "usa, we need more million!" and pre-Afghanistan dollars were on the way. Covid cost us the global supply chain, massive cash outlays, Russia, india's arms package, and adult and kid killings. Differences in opinion and levels of  compassion depend on differences in cultures and nations. Histories differ, needs differ. We are post Trump (oh no, she didn't play the Trumpster card).

Nations that did not arm are fodder now for dictators. Nations never forget slanders and NATO is not for pacifists. We want to kill your youth with votes you will abhor. History lesson: Russia cannot be trusted - they are two faced. Agreements are broken (UK/china over Taiwan.) Take Taiwan and investors move out. Why should China invade Russia when usa can do it for them? And I still need new water pipes and better drainage in Detroit.


Lady A
