


Today I celebrate the Powwow…if you’ve ever seen one

you’d find it not only beautiful but informative and entrancing….

It’s the Native Nations’ ceremony of feasting, singing and dancing,


It’s a time to come together…to let one’s heart and feelings soar…

A time to celebrate the present members of a community…

and those who’ve come before.. 


A time to celebrate all creation…to give thanks…to make amends.

A time to revel and enjoy the company of family and friends.


Perhaps the most important part of a Powwow

in our constant search for truth….

is it’s chance to pass the knowledge of the elders

onto the shoulders of the youth.


With the hope that when the new generation meets the old

and their lives are intertwined….

once the knowledge has been shared…wisdom will not be far behind.


For wisdom is not knowledge…It’s amazing how many people confuse it…

Knowledge is only information…wisdom…is how we choose to use it.


Knowledge is something we gain as through each day we catapult….

and from this knowledge…if we’re lucky…wisdom will result.


Wait…since I’m not a Native Nation person…some of you might take me to task…

What are you doing talking about Powwows…is a question you might ask…


Because through the years I have been blessed 

from the knowledge I’ve collected…

to be wise enough to know, as they did, how we are all connected.


Because of this connection…that through the years I have been shown…

I think it would be fitting…if everyday with everyone we meet 

we held a little Powwows of our own.

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