#life #disability #neurodivergence #accessibility #inclusion #equity #academia #social justice #fight #ethics #allies #betrayal

Against the Tide: My Unfolding Journey.

In shadowed depths, silence grips — 
A soul caught in a web of night,
Threads of power, tight and cold,
Dreams dissolve, lost from sight.

Yet through the haze, a beacon flares — 
A lighthouse in a storm-tossed sea,
Guiding hearts where justice dares,
Kindness blooms, wild and free.

Words like shards of winter’s breath,
Echo in halls, a frozen stream,
“Find somewhere else,” they whisper death,
A ghostly echo, a shattered dream.

But in the dark, a phoenix stirs — 
A spark of hope, a flame reborn,
Voices rise like chorused birds,
Every story finds its dawn.

Join the quest. Break the chains.
Old confines crumble like brittle stone.
Support those once bound by reins.
Truths and dreams — seeds are newly sown.

Inclusion’s banner, a vibrant quilt,
Flutters in the winds of change and grace,
Diverse voices, a tapestry built,
Power’s balance finds its place.

Let silence break. Walls dissolve.
Empathy’s river carves new ways,
Every voice, for justice’s resolve,
Deserves to rise, to blaze, to blaze.

In unity, a garden grows — 
Petals bright, scents sweet and rare,
Global insights, a woven thread,
Research thrives, where hope is fed.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Deeply personal. A battle renewed. A fight for justice. Not just for me but for all.