


Today’s blessing comes from Jane Goodall

words for all of us…all the other creatures…and for our planet’s sake:


What you do makes a difference

and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make


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 Last night I heard Jane Goodall tell the story of her life of 90 years.

She spoke a lot about her mother…and of her own wishes, dreams and fears.


She spoke about her chimpanzees and their world which she loves living in.

How her mother taught her to judge people by what they do…and not by the color of their skin.


She spoke of how humans think we are separate from the animals…

of how when it comes to this planet…we think we are the heart of it….

but how….when it comes to the animal kingdom…we are only a small part of it.


And she wondered when it comes to our planet…

instead of admiring, loving, appreciating and enjoying it…

how the most intellectual creatures on the Earth…are the ones who are destroying it.


But at the same time she was telling us of her ups and downs…

holding her life under a microscope….

the words she used…even after 90 years…wove a tapestry of hope.


Yes, the more she talked…the more her tapestry of words unfurled…

for the people and other animals on this planet…she has a hope for a better world.


As she outlined reasons for her hope…one rested on all the young people

ready to pick up the mantle…to help fulfill her dream and alleviate her fears…

Which, I imagine, meant all of us…because everyone in the audience…

was younger than her 90 years.


We left her talk inspired…because as her tapestry of hope unfurled…

We know together we can…together we will…and together…we must change the world.


As I listened to this courageous and amazing woman…so wise compassionate and kind…

other women whom I admire popped into my mind.


For I believe if we want to live together in a more compassionate and peaceful way…

perhaps it’s time we listen to what the women have to say!


If we hope to live together in a world where no creature loses…and ever creature gains….

It’s time we listen to the likes of Maya, Emily and Carol…

(and you’ve already heard from Jane.)

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