


With the problems facing us today

problems we can’t ignore…

when things seem their most hopeless…

we need hope…more than we ever have before.

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I am not a religious person…I do, however, remember some things the Bible ingrained in me:

So now faith, hope and love abide, these three;

(I like to think this message was handed down from all the Gods above)

reminding everyone on Earth how: the greatest of these is love.


There are those of us who’ve lost faith in this country…who are now feeling bereft…

as we’ve watched faith turn love into hate…hope is all we have left.


With our faith and love in ruins…when we’re finding it difficult to cope….

sometimes, out of the blue, something reminds us….there’s still hope.


Showers were predicted on my walk this morning…but I chose not to complain…

instead…I donned an old raincoat to protect me from the rain.


As I began my walk through the streets…in the darkness…all alone…

I put my hand in the pocket of my raincoat…and found in there…a lucky stone.


Ever since I was a little boy who played with dinosaurs, cars and trucks…

when I found a little white stone on the ground…I’d rub it for good luck.


Over the years…I’ve rubbed a lot of my hopes, wishes and dreams into my lucky stones…

some of these have even come true….

and every now and then…when it came to lucky stones..I’ve even kept a few. 


Discovering a lucky stone in my pocket this morning…

during a time I’m finding it hard to cope….

was a synchronistic (perhaps spiritual) reminder…not to give up hope.


I’m putting my faith into this lucky stone….

hoping love will return…of course…with lucky stones…that’s what I do…

and I’ll keep rubbing it every day…hoping my dream will come true.


Was I meant to find this lucky stone today?

to remind me to keep hoping 

even when hoping seems pointless and small?

I believe so 

because on my walk this morning…

it never rained at all.

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A message of hope from Maya Angelou…

I bring to you this day…

She said:

Hope and fear cannot occupy the same space…

So why not invite hope to stay.

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If I’m ever filled with dread…feelings of gloom and doom….

I look for new leaves on the trees…and flowers about to bloom.


I greet the stars up in the sky…watch the sun rise on a new day…

I stop and watch baby rabbits in the field as they play.


I listen to the baby birds in their nests…not quite ready to fly free…

I look out on the water and find baby dolphins in the sea.


This time of year in Florida…I like to walk real slow…

and greet the caterpillars and baby lizards everywhere I go.


Why is this important…because in the way it helps me cope.

It reminds me how Mother Nature has not lost her hope.


If she wasn’t filled with hope…if she was filled with gloom and doom

she wouldn’t encourage her trees to grow new leaves…

or invite her flowers to bloom.


She wouldn’t excite the birds to sing…

or inspire the stars to shine up in the sky…

and if Mother Nature places her hope in caterpillars and baby lizards

then, Gook Heavens, so will I.


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