A young man frequents our bookstore looking for sports books that interest him
and…when we happens to spy them…
he asks us to hold them for him until he has enough money to buy them.
He was in the other night and immediately his gaze
fell upon a book about the L. A. Lakers and one about Willy Mays.
As he went back and forth between the two books….he looked a bit bemused…
You see, both books cost ten dollars…which made it hard for him to choose
He finally decided on Willy Mays…
and when I asked if he wanted us to hold it he said, “That would be great!
I’ll have enough money by the end of next week.”
Then looking back he said, “I guess the Lakers will have to wait.”
After he left…an older man whom I’ve never seen before…
but who obviously is kind-hearted…
brought the L. A. Laker book up to the counter saying,
“I’d like to buy this and the Willy Mays book for the man who just departed.”
I thanked this man profusely…and as I put the two books into a gift bag
I asked him if on the bag there was anything he wanted to say…
He shook his head and smiled,
“Just tell the young man when he comes back…
to enjoy the books and have a nice day.”
I don’t know if I’ll ever see this man again…
but I shall forever remember the kindness he showed that day…
when he bought a book about the L. A. Lakers
and one about Willy Mays…
Yes, in a world where hatred, greed and evil…is running rampant…
it’s a moment I’ll never forget…
the day a man I never knew spent twenty dollars on two books
to give to a man he never met.
If we weren’t meant to give to one another…
If you don’t think that was in our Creators plans…
then why in Heaven’s name do you suppose
We were ever given hands.
Would’t it be wonderful if this Christmas (and every day)
we understood the best way for any of us to live…
instead of concentrating on how much we will receive…
we focus on how much we we have to give.
I love the holiday season…getting together with friends and family.
I love the tradition, in our house, of seeing presents underneath the Christmas tree.
As I watch our family open presents once a year
I’m always hoping I will also find a way
to provide them with the kind of gifts they can open every day.
The everyday gifts we give that to someone means so much…
our smile, our laughter, a helping hand, a hug…a gentle touch.
How we make sure they are clothed and fed…
that their shoes are on the correct feet…and tied…
All those stories we read, all those games we play…
every horsey and piggy-back ride.
A kiss when they need it, our encouragement, our kindness…
making sure they see
we are a piece of the life they’re living…a part of their happy memories.
How we help give wings to their hopes and dreams…
How we listen to what they have to say…
How we support them wherever they go in life…even if they fly away.
What makes these gifts so special is that what we’re really giving is our time…
We don’t have to shop for them…they do not cost a dime.
And whenever we give these gifts we quickly come to learn
even though we don’t expect it…they’ve back so much in return.
So…this year whatever holiday you celebrate..
once the presents are opened and the wrapping paper is thrown away…
take a moment to sit back, smile and think about
all the gifts you give and receive each day.