Today I’m grateful for my little flaws and imperfections…
Oh yes…like most people…I have a few…
But when you look around…
you see so many of those imperfections
have their own beauty too.
May we be blessed when it come to life…
to be of this perception:
That there is so much beauty
to be found in imperfection.
Today I’m grateful for being born into a wonderland
an endless storybook….
Where on every page there is beauty…everywhere I look,
If beauty is in the eye of the beholder…
what a wonderful world this would be…
if everyone was blessed to behold beauty
in everything and everyone they see.
Every parent thinks their babies are beautiful
as they watch them play during the day
or sleep throughout the night.
and with a little encouragement from Mother Nature…
they know that they are right.
Why else would the sun send down a ray of light
all the way from outer space…
a single beam who’s only mission
is to highlight the beauty of their child’s face?
Why else when they walk by a garden with their baby
do the flowers stand up a little straighter…
The sunflower, the daffodil…the rose….
and why else would a lady bug rest upon their child’s shoulder
or a butterfly land upon their nose?
Why else would rabbits who normally when they see people coming
run away like crooks…
stop and stand on their hind legs…just to have a look.
Why else would the trees offer their children shade…
if they did not detect…
there is beauty in this child it is their duty to protect.
And why else while in their beds asleep…
In the darkness of the night…
would the moon shine through their windows
offering them a natural night light?
Yes, I know each parent will say…
“My babies are beautiful and will always be beautiful to me”
But isn’t also nice to know that the sun, the moon, the rabbits
the ladybugs and the butterflies agree.
Sometimes when I look into a mirror…the image surprises me.
On the one hand I’m sure the image I am looking at is me…
But if I look a little closer I also see a hologram
a visual representation of everything I am…
I am the Earth, the sky, the oceans…the mountain and the trees
I am every animal that ever existed…I am butterflies and bees.
I am all the colors of the rainbow…sometimes I am black or white…
the more I look the more I realize…I’m quite a pretty sight.
I am a man and I am a woman…I’m also L G B T and Q….
And if you stopped to take a closer look you’d realize…
so are you.
The next time you’re near a mirror…look closely at your image and you’ll see
how you are but one part of everything around you…of one Earth family.
When you do…you begin to see yourself in a different…diverse light…
and the more you look the more you realize…you’re quiet a pretty sight.
You begin to see you’re not just you…but together you’re so much more…
and how…in this light you are even more beautiful
than you thought you were before.
When we meet another person…
may we be blessed to be advised…
not only to see their outward beauty
but…the beauty behind their eyes.
If we look for indigenous wisdom
we will find it everywhere we go…
Today I’m grateful I’ve found it
in the wisdom of the Navajo
With beauty before me
I walk
With beauty behind me
I walk
With beauty beneath
I walk
With beauty above me
I walk
With beauty all around me
I walk