Sometimes when I look into a mirror…the image surprises me.
On the one hand I’m sure the image I am looking at is me…
But if I look a little closer I also see a hologram
a visual representation of everything I am…
I am the Earth, the sky, the oceans…the mountain and the trees
I am every animal that ever existed…I am butterflies and bees.
I am all the colors of the rainbow…sometimes I am black or white…
the more I look the more I realize…I’m quite a pretty sight.
I am a man and I am a woman…I’m also L G B T and Q….
And if you stopped to take a closer look you’d realize…
so are you.
The next time you’re near a mirror…look closely at your image and you’ll see
how you are but one part of everything around you…of one Earth family.
When you do…you begin to see yourself in a different…diverse light…
and the more you look the more you realize…you’re quiet a pretty sight.
You begin to see you’re not just you…but together you’re so much more…
and how…in this light you are even more beautiful
than you thought you were before.