We watched our neighbor, Ollie, play in his first official ’T’ ball game
from our seats atop the bleachers…in the shade.
It was a treat watching the innocent exuberance of children…
before they have a clue as to how the game is played.
With little heads swimming in big helmets they’d approach the ’T’
and when they finally hit the ball…
sometimes they’d run to first, sometimes to third…and sometimes…they forgot to run at all.
And when the ball was rolling towards them in the field
if they’d miss it…no one would get mad.
They know it’s hard to see the ball when you’re playing with your friend,
looking at the clouds, or waving to Mom and Dad.
Atop the bleachers through it all you could hear their friends and family cheering
whether the ball rolled by their children…or if it happened to be caught.
as they walked up to the ’T’…whether they hit the ball…or not.
Their children made a lot of mistakes….but their parents were not concerned….
for they know as their children keep playing…all the things they’re going to learn.
They will learn humility…for no matter how hard they work…on whatever path they choose….
sometime they’re going to win…and sometimes they’re going to lose.
They will learn perseverance, determination, tenacity…and grit….
and not to worry if they strike out…for there will be another chance to hit.
They will learn to endure the slumps in life and the havoc they may wreak…
because those slumps will help them enjoy a little more…when they’re on a winning streak.
But those are lessons for another time…to be learned as their children grow…
today atop the bleachers…their parents just wanted them to know…
that whatever path they choose…wherever they may roam….
as they run around the bases of life…they will always be safe at home.