written in 1967. my real down time. I decided to share after reading Mel's "Two Many of Them Out There" Thanks for the nudge. 10/19/01
أوكلتك ربــــــي
يا قلبي
و يا روحي احزمي
جمر الديانات استوى
لا تحرقيني
قبض الشموع دوى
لمهجتي العطشى فاسقيني
لا زالت اهجسك صوتا
ومن الصدى المردود
إليك يدين
لأنها ما يشبه الجمرة
القابض على دينه كالقابض
على جمره
Shallow surface dwellers, with no depth! Puddles every where.
Any given day in conversation with small minded people.
This poem was composed on December 31st 1992 as I watched the sunset. It is a mixed venting out of the feelings inside me.