
Numb(I Feel Betrayed)

Pure Betrayal
Author's Notes/Comments: 

Okey I also wrote this poem like last week. I wrote it because my mum's been a big pain, and she's been cursing and yelling at me..Not to mention a few other things, too. She's been treating me wrongly ever since I got back from lockdown. And now...It's like she is trying to blame me fer getting out on the right note-and so she can use me fer her own crap and her excuses become sommat I did? No way, I think she's being a little overrated there. I've done nothing to hurt her, and she's trying to make me take the blame on everything. She's not leaving me alone from it either. It's driving me insane. But anyways..A good read, and fer all readers, too.

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Shattered Dreams

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No One Knows

Author's Notes/Comments: 

i cant belive my 'friends' would do this to me...

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The Rapist

Author's Notes/Comments: 

not me...

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Author's Notes/Comments: 

because i was with him in the beginning but after the things he done I dont like him no more.

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Bouquet of Black Roses

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The Pain Goes On

Author's Notes/Comments: 

how duz he do thiz 2 me n try 2 take pity pointz from pplz?

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Stop Saying It

Author's Notes/Comments: 

i hate bein lied 2 in such a serious manner...

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*Your Regret Will Come

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Get the feeling of betrayal?

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