Why am I AGirlNotBound?

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AGirlNotBound's picture
Joined: 2014/09/16

AGirlNotBound is a fantasy. She is the romaticism of longing and wishing for different strings to play out. She is the epitome of wants. She resides inside the fabrication of her imagination where it is always welcoming and warm. 

But what kind of life awaits she who lives inside her imagination? Certainly reality can not cater to the whims and wishes of a girl who longs for a life that cannot be hers.


AGirlNotBound is a girl with a path before her set in concrete who can't decide if the jackhammer that lays near her is the best option or not.

overgrown's picture
Joined: 2014/09/27
"inside the fabrication of

"inside the fabrication of her imagination where it is always welcoming and warm"

sounds nice. i can relate.

i hope your path became clear.